Send a Text Message from the Inbox

From the Inbox page, you can start a new conversation with one person or send a message to a group of up to 15 people. 

Before You Begin

Ensure your account has a text number. Use this link to navigate to your Inbox page. If you do not have a text number in your account you will encounter a message asking you to set up texting. Click the setup texting button and then click Get a Toll Free Number. This is free of cost and will allow you to send and receive texts in your account. 

Send a Text Message from Inbox

  1. Navigate to your Inbox page by clicking INBOX on the top navigation bar in your account. 
  2. Click Start Conversation
  3. Add the contacts you wish to receive your text message (maximum of 15 numbers).
  4. Type your text message in the message content box.
  5. Click SEND in the bottom right corner.

Note: Messages sent to more than one contact will be sent separately. Replies will be seen only in the Inbox page; contacts will not be able to view each other's replies. 

Message Cost in Inbox


Sending messages from the Inbox page is included in the monthly plan.


Every 160 characters of your message will consume 1 credit. 

Messages including an image require two credits per recipient regardless of length. 

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