Send a Message from Contacts

A broadcast can be initiated from the Contacts page.  There are two options in sending a message from the CONTACTS page.

Send a message to selected contacts

  1. Navigate to the Contacts page
  2. Find the contacts you wish to select and click the checkbox to the left of the phone numbers for those contacts.
  3. A light green bar will appear at the top of your list. Click the cell phone icon to send a message to the selected contacts
  4. You will be taken to the Create Broadcast page. Follow the steps there to complete your broadcast. 
    1. Step 2 (Recipients) will already include the phone numbers you selected.

Send a message to a group

  1. Navigate to the Contacts page
  2. Click on the group you wish to message
  3. Click the cell phone icon on the top right corner of the page
  4. You will be taken to the Create Broadcast page. Follow the steps there to complete your broadcast. 
    1. Step 2 (Recipients) will already include the phone numbers from the group you selected.
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