Understand Rejected Messages

Using our service, customers send millions of messages a month to their contacts. While customers are ultimately responsible for the messages that are sent through our platform, we do use a filtering system to help identify messages that may not align with our Terms of Use and Responsible Use.

In this article

Common Reasons for Rejected Messages:

We do not allow any of the following:

  • Third-Party Consent - do not use Text-Em-All to send messages to phone numbers that were not given directly to you or your organization. This includes third-party debt collection.
  • Political messages - including messages for soliciting votes or supporting/opposing issues.
  • Telemarketing or promotional messages - including any messages designed to promote a business (e.g., new location) or any messages that could result in a transaction. Additionally, we do not allow messages that are encouraging recipients to book an appointment. Put simply, don’t use our service to encourage people to buy something. Period.
  • Charitable contribution messages - any messages soliciting donations including messages to previous donors.
  • S.H.A.F.T. messages - any message containing curse words or any content related to the following subjects: 
    • Sex
    • Hate
    • Alcohol
    • Firearms
    • Tobacco/CBD

If this was your only intention for using our service, please email our service team at support@text-em-all.com and we would be happy to issue a refund for any purchases. 

Suggested Reading:
  No Spam Policy
  Our Manifesto
  What is Consent?
  Our Stance on Privacy

Non-English Language Messages:

Messages are allowed in non-English languages, however, they need to be approved through our customer support service ahead of time. This is to ensure the message is adhering to our Terms of Service. 

Email support@text-em-all.com with a transcript of your non-English language message and an explanation of who the message is for. Our team will get back to you shortly. 

MMS Rejections:

In some rare cases, an MMS image may be rejected for explicit content when it is not explicit. If you encounter this issue, please Contact Us.

Bad Audio

  • This result may happen if your audio quality is poor. To ensure that your message is received well by the intended recipients, you'll need to create a new broadcast with a new message.
  • This result may also happen if you neglect to tell your audience to press STAR (*) followed by a number for Survey broadcasts. 


Nobody's perfect. Not even a high-tech filtering system is always right. If you feel that your message was rejected in error please contact our team at support@text-em-all.com.

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